Friday, July 31, 2009


I'm moving to Vegas(and then to Fla.) and I want some chinchillas. Yes I know chinchillas and high temps dont mix but what do you think other wise? (about the situation and about chinchillas as pets, the good and the bad are welcome)
I don't think the weather would be a factor since you'd likely keep it inside. I've always wanted one, too!
i looked into getting one of those. i think its a great idea. those things are adorable
We have 2 chinchillia's ( actually wanting to sell them but,,,) anyway as long as you keep them cooled with either fans or air conditioners they should be ok,, as far as moving with them just be very careful that you keep them very cool and lots of water.

Chins as pets,, being a first time chin owner,, they are more work than what I was led to believe,, they are pretty cool and alot of fun, but they need attention,, excersise, some are cuddly and some aren't,, ours don't really like to be around people very much,, they love to come out and run around but not to be held much,, they shed and pee ALOT. they need a routine,, and becuase they need have fresh food everyday so you have to make sure you can have someone to tend them if you are planning on going away for more than 24 hours.

That's about everything I can think of for now.
well i think chinchillas are awesome as pets and their fur is so soft and they ar eso cute I think if you knoe the right to take care of it then you should get one as long as you dont have any other bigger pets
Do more research on chinchillas. They aren't really cuddly and tend to bite. I wanted one, but they don't really like being pets.
The folks I talked to said they are absolutely hilarious to watch, they would let them out of the cage in the evenings and watch them run and hop all over, but not cuddly. Sort of a "look only" pet, like a fish tank.
Moving with them is fine, you already know to take precautions about the heat, just make sure they are legal in those states and you should be fine.
Good Luck
Seriously, there are chincillas in almost every pet store here in Florida.

If you are just getting one, it is best to get a male. They're pretty good pets and they live longer than most. About fifteen years.

If you do decide to get one, please make sure you have a cage for him that he can run around in. They do need a lot of room. They love to jump onto things and run. So a cage with platforms, a sleeping box, chew toys, and a hay rack would be ideal. It shouldnt be smaller than two feet wide and three feet high. And that's just for one chinchilla.

They come in a lot of different colors, but I think the prettiest are the black velvet and the golabar.

Oh and make sure theyre temperature of where they are (in the house, in the cage) is never more than 75 degrees. They can overheat and die very easily.

If you get one while they are young, they can become really tame and form a really strong bond with the owner.though sometimes they dont like to be cuddled too much. They love to run around and play with everything.

They are nocturnal, so most of the playtime should be at night.

I was trying to think of some downfalls to having a chinchilla, but im lost. I think theyre great pets.
i dont see the problem with the high temps if they are in the a.c.

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