Monday, May 24, 2010

Do chickens think rubber humans are funny ?

Especially when they hit each other over the heads with them.
Yes, they do!
just HILARIOUS. don't you think that?
YOU are funny. Ever think about stand-up?
What makes us humans different from animals, is our ability to reason. So sadly, I think the chickens would not get the humour in your question as much as we do. :)
and.if people wear fuzzy bunny slippers do bunnies wear fuzzy people slippers?
LOL probably!

Funny question! =)
Do Ducks float little yellow rubber humans in their bathtub?
somthimes, in our class ( im 12) there was this boy who had a rubber chicken, ok that's fine, but then when he squeezed it a white rubber egg would blow up on depend on how much they squeezed, and i dont dont how but they made that chicken into a sick joke( so rubber chickens with out eggs, they're funny)
You betcha
I sure do and I'm sure my chickens do too!

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