Saturday, May 22, 2010

do any of you wiccans ask dragons to help you in you magickal workings?

I've been told the dragons are bad and to stay away from them but i love dragons their my favorite mythical creature. they've help my in my workings. i was just wondering?
Dragons can be dangerous and difficult to mannage but if you've worked with them before, you shouldn't have much trouble. I personally prefer pheonixes over dragons durring my workings but I am facinated by the power dragons weild. You also might look at your familiar and see if it's compatable with dragons (fire/air), if so, then you should have no trouble but if your familiar is a water/earth being then you won't be able to control the power durring a big working.
Have you taken your meds today?
Dragons have no place in wicca. they are mythical and wicca is about nature.
dragons are awesome and hold magnitudes of power. remember though their strength is enormous and cannot be callled via the creative thought of the population anymore due to them being killed in th1500's and ,cause media says they're fake and the human mind follows.
A dragon can be called via concentrated mindset or if capable a parralel dimension.
dragons are thought to be intelligent beings that can travel multi dimensionally.

Call only for a just cause i should think
There is a lot of great information on the Internet about Wicca, my beliefs of Wicca is about peace and harmony it is a very balanced way of thinking that promotes one with all kind. If dragons do this for you then that is fine. There are no real fixed rules of Wicca, just know what you do is returned trice. I am a self practised Wicca. and I enjoy the peace I receive from it, i enjoy the fact that I will once again be joined with those I love, not just from this life, but all parts of life prior to this one. My brain and body are just my physical being, but my soul, my inner voice from me and my god and goddesses lead me through many things, also through meditation, I can find myself learning a great deal more about my physical being and trying to become one with my soul and here is also where I learn mostly about the afterlife and a lot of other great information.

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