Saturday, May 22, 2010

Did you know that if you lift a guinea pig by its tail its eyeballs will pop out?
guinea pigs dont have a tail
Jebus Creeps. That is the last thing you want anyone to do to an animal
try very hard u can get ur ecpecting thing in a short term,dont be hurry ,do as easy as possible
And this is important because?
Wow. you're crazy.
i have guinea pigs and they dont have tails!!
Iwouldn't do that if I were you!
Well, no.
They would for one of two reasons.

(1) The gravity would pull them out. This clearly isn't the case (that a guinea pig tipped fully forward would lose its eyes) as, were it to be true, there would be little eyeballs everywhere.


(2) Something in the tail would be connected to the eyes in such a way that when pulled, and perhaps combined with gravity, it would prompt the eyes to fall out. This is beyond unlikely.

So, no. I really, really doubt this is true. Whether or not it is nice to the animal is an entirely different question.

Did you know that asking too many dumb questions turns your brain into powdered doughnuts?
O.M.G. That wasn't his tale!!
wow gross
You get the same result from those pug dogs.
Your full of CRAP. guinea pigs have a small short tail, BUT, it's under the skin.
What tail, are you sure it's a tail.
no -i did not know that . poor little pig

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