Monday, May 24, 2010

Do cat and dogs see black and white or can they see all colors?

And if so, how do we really know?

Actually Both Dogs and Cats see color. They both have rods and cones in the eye just a different balance than we have.

Nobody is certain how well cats and dogs see color or f there are certain colors they can not see.

It is known that it seems to have some variance between each animal just as human eye sight varies a bit.

Also that they lose much of the color perception the darker it is, at night a cat can not see color well at all.

In full light or sun both cats and dogs can see colors.
Again its unknown for both animals to what extents or sharpness but they do see color.

It is very common for pets to have a favorite color as well.

Hope this helps

Yes they see black and white
Dogs see some color but cats only b/w. There are these things called rods and cones in our eyes and they determine whether we see in color or not. Dogs have some, but not as many as humans and cats have none.
I don't know for sure but I tend to think they must not see in color. At least My poor doggie can't seem to tell the difference between colors. Sometimes he can't even see white .he runs into the white wall often. Doc says his sight is fine. Go figure.
According to experts, because of the ration of cones and rod in the animals' eyes, they cannot see colors. I guess we can't ever really know for sure why some animals seem to see things better than others though.
dogs r colorblind.
My vet told me that cats see in black and white
Not sure about dogs, but I think they see in black and white as well
Why don't you ask one of them.
From Animal Eye Care:

"There are two types of cells in the retina that receive light: rods and cones. Rods are for sensing motion and work best in low light levels. All mammals, including people, have more rods than cones. Cone cells are adapted for seeing in brighter light and can detect different colors of light. Humans have three types of cones. Dogs have two types of cones. Evidence suggests that the dog has vision similar to a human who is red-green color blind. Cats have three types of cones, like people, but do not have exactly the same color vision as we do. Cats live in a world of fuzzy pastels.

Dogs and cats appear to respond to blue and yellow best, and seem to have more trouble with green and red. What appears red to us is simply dark to the dog and cat, and green light is almost indistinguishable from white (a shade of gray). Colors that would appear very rich to us are more pastel-like to the cat. The cat sees a green, grassy lawn as a whitish lawn, and a green rose-bush as a whitish bush with dark flowers. "

Hope this answers your question!
We are told by people in the know that they only see black and white. They don't have the rods and cones in their eyes that humans do that enables us to see colors. But, you are correct. It is a moot point until we can get inside the head of a dog or a cat. This Website is very informative on the vision of Cats and Dogs. They can see some colors, but not as defined as we can.

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