Monday, May 24, 2010

do cats and dogs dream?

if so what do you think they dream about ,////////////////////
Yes. The other day our 2 yr. old Yellow Lab was sleeping in her crate and she started whimpering in her sleep. I know she was dreaming so I gently rubbed her to wake her up. I belive she was having a nightmare as she was whimpering.
yes , cats ,dogs, playing, eating,chasing cars, etc.
I'm sure my dog does, she yaps, whines, growls and fidgets in her sleep.
they do dream i have had my cat prr in her sleep and my friends dog yiped and kicked idk what they're dreaming but it has to be close to human dreams
Yes they do. I think they dream about big juicy bones or a nice fresh fish and probably chasing each other round a big garden.
yes i think they do but i don`t know what they dream about
yes they do dream but i dont know wot they dream about
nooooo idea. LOL
yes because u also dream
i saw my dog dreaming an howling during sleeping time
i think so. my dog, while asleep, he barks often, and it looks like he wants to run.
Yes, probably every living thing dreams once in a while.
It's a mystery to see what they acually dream about~~~
Because sometimes my pets start whimpering or do strange movements!
yeah dogs dream like we do you can even tell when they have bad dreams
My dog dreams about eating my cat, and my cat dreams about eating the dog - they love each other really
i would imagine so as we do so why not them my cat's and dogs are allways twitching in their sleep and little whimpers and so on, but who will ever know unless we had an animals mind and could get into one.
My friends dogs often dream and make funny noises. their paws move as though they are running. I guess they are dreaming of chasing cats, or runing away from something.
Yes they do. Their eyes will jerk when dreaming just like humans.
Nobody know what they dream about .but for shure they do dream.they very inteligent and smart..if they think ..they dream for shure
yes definitely
yes definetely. they dream about their owners watching them while theyre asleep and then posting questions like this on the internet.
my dog dreams, she growls, whines and her feet move as though she is chasing after something
yes they do there roll there eyes when they dream!
Well, something makes my p ussy twitch when she's asleep.
if you have pets like cats and dogs then you can see when they're dreaming, their legs twitch like they're running, their eyes move and even yelp/muffled bark/ growl/suckle in their dreams!
have you noticed dogs bark and whine in there sleep they allso move their legs if they are running in there dreams
Yep. They have enough twitching and sounds. It seems to me that my dogs are dreaming about running. The cats are a little more inscrutable regarding dreams. I've seem both cats and dogs have nightmares, as well.

Currently I have a 100+ lbs. dog who thinks he's a cat because he was smaller than mine when he moved in. Toss him a ball and he'll roll over on his back and juggle it in his paws like a cat playing with a ball of yarn. He's also very determined about sleeping on his back like the cats often sprawl - he actually braces himself up against something so he can achieve and hold the position. This makes him snore on top of whatever weird little dog/cat hybrid dream he is having. So far, I've never seen him have a nightmare, unlike my other dog who was rescued and obviously abused by the previous owner.

I also read somewhere a theory that they are dreaming about their day, reliving certain parts of it. I think that is likely as humans do the same sort of thing.
yes they do dream but cannt say what they dream.

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