Friday, May 8, 2009

Can you feed a french lop eared rabbit greens because i heard you cannot?

i heard you can only give them a very little bit of greens i know other types eat as much as they want of greens
How old is your bunn? Generally, before six months, bunnies' main diet should be hay, water, and lucerne pellets. Some say you can begin introducing vegetables at four months, some say not until six months of age. Most importantly, when you begin to introduce vegies, you must do it VERY slowly and gradually - begin with just one slice or one very small piece of your chosen vegie or fruit, and make sure it doesn't give her diarrhoea over the next 24 hours before giving any more. Please see my own website, where I've written articles on this, at

You should not give cabbage or lettuce to rabbits - lettuce and cabbage are both very bad for rabbits, can cause diarrhoea and bloat which can kill them - I have known rabbits who have tolerated lettuce, but if they're not used to it, I wouldn't bother introducing it when there's so many better vegies for them.

Please check out my site at
for lists of safe and dangerous foods for bunnies older than six months of age, reproduced from the excellent "Rabbitlopaedia" by Meg Brown and Virginia Richardson.

Have a read of these great detailed rabbit sites too - - my own site - please have a browse and enjoy reading!
Stick with "rabbit chow". Too many greens will give them the runs.
rabbits can't have lettuce
I thought superman knew everything? hahaha
I never have heard of that, and my family raised rabbits my whole life.
iceburg lettuce is a no,no amongst small animals and herbivore reptiles. some you can feed romaine lettuce to, but at very small quantities. actually, i wouldn't even do that. cabbage is good for them. carrots too. apples are great!
Rabbits are rabbits. Whether they have long, floppy ears or not, they can and need to eat at least 2 cups of fresh, dark, leafy greens every day. They need to get a good variety so that they can get all the vitamins and minerals that they need. Some good choices are: romaine lettuce, bok choy, watercress, escarole, kale, kholorabi (just the leaves), carrot tops (you don't want to give a rabbit too many carrots, because they are very sweet and can cause the runs). Things to stay away from include: iceberg lettuce (it has a high water content and no nutritional value), cabbage (can cause the runs), carrots (once in a while is okay, but not more than once or twice a week), celery (same as iceberg lettuce, high water content and no nutritional value), fruits of all kinds (like carrots, be careful with fruits for the same reason.too much sugar is really bad for rabbits, but giving them a fruit treat once or twice a week usually doesn't cause a problem) For a much more complete list of foods to feed your bunny, check out the house rabbit society's website at:
If you have any other rabbit care questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me directly at:

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