Saturday, May 22, 2010

Diffrent pet ideas??

I want a diffrent pet that is not REALLY expensive , is easy to take care of ( by easy i mean taking care of it once a week, like cleaning) .
Pet Rock
no get some pet frogs .the little tree type.
You just feed them every other day and clean there tank one a month
Rats make wonderful pets! They are very smart as well.
i have 3 snakes, once you've paid for them and the tank which isn't as expensive as it sounds if you shop around, then you only have to feed them once a week, hold them ,change their water daily and clean their tanks out about once every 6 weeks, they're inexpensive, unusual easy to care for and a great talking point, i wouldn't be without mine now.
Okay ignore the woman who suggested rats. Sure, they can be cool pets, but they need more attention than it sounds like you are able to give.
Crested Geckos!

They are the greatest little guys! They are inexpensive, very easy to take care of (they are happy living at our temps, so no heat lamps). Cresteds stay small and eat fruit and the occasional cricket. There is also a powder out now that you can mix up that they seem to do well on. They don't bite, and after they get used to you they actually seem to enjoy being out and about. Plus they have sticky pads on the bottom of their feet and tails, which is a cool little thing about them.
Wow.. taking care of it ONLY once a week does not leave many options.. the only one that I can think of is FISH.
Go get a snail,,,,,,,,,,
a crab? I never had one of those though

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